


龙尊娱乐场 坚持矿业特色,实施“三融合、四贯通”,多措并举,努力培养德智体美劳全面发展,宽基础、强能力、高素质,具有家国情怀和国际视野,秉承“好学力行、求是创新”精神,能为国家富强和社会进步做出贡献的高素质人才。学院实施内容丰富、形式多样、开放共享的学生指导方式和结构优化的启发式、探究式、研讨式、参与式课堂教学方法。实行本科生学术和生活双导师制,加强综合性实践环节,引导学生进行创新性实验,培养发散性思维。学院着力跨文化教学和交流,开设双语课程,邀请海外知名教授为本科生讲授全英语课程,选拔优秀本科生到国外进行短期访学和实习,开展国际化人才培养。共设置有采矿工程、智能采矿工程、新能源科学与工程、工业工程及交通运输等5个本科专业。






Characterized by mining, the School of Minesimplements the principle of "The combination of general and professional education, the combination of majors, the combination of science and education, the integration of ideological and political education, the integration of innovation and entrepreneurship education, the integration of practical ability education, and the integration of international education". The School of Mines adheres to the spirit of "learning and practicing, seeking truth and innovation", taking multiple measures and striving to cultivate fully developed college students with rich knowledge, high social responsibility, broad international view, comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, health, virtue and diligence, and outstanding competence to make an excellent contribution to the nation’s social, intellectual and economic advance. The way adopted to direct students is to rich in both content and forms and features open sharing, and the teaching methods are structurally optimized and try to make students much more capable of a finely developed sense: inspiration, exploration, discussion, and participation. A dual tutorial system has also been employed for undergraduate education, helping to enhance their comprehensive practice, to perform innovative experiments, and to nurture divergent thinking. Moreover, increasing attention has been paid to cross-cultural teaching and exchange—for example, offering bilingual courses, inviting well-known overseas scholars to deliver English courses for undergraduates, and selecting excellent ones for short-term visits and internships abroad—and therefore cultivating international talents. The School now has five undergraduate majors: Mining Engineering, Intelligent Mining, New Energy Science and Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Transportation.

Mining Engineering major shares the same history with CUMT. It is among the first national first-class undergraduate majors and ranks No. 1 in China. The major now has 89 full-time teachers, including 3 academicians and 43 professors. Mining Engineering has established such national teaching and research platforms as national teaching teams, national key Laboratories, the experimental teaching demonstration center, the virtual simulation experimental teaching center, and the college student practical education center and has produced a host of national achievements and accomplishments both in teaching and in scientific research. There are research directions and groups like green mining, international mining, outstanding engineers, and international students. All are dedicated to fostering first-class, patriotic, and top innovation talents in Mining. The major has an annual enrolment of 200 students.

Intelligent Mining Engineering is a newly authorized major in 2021 by the Ministry of Education based on the background of the national “double carbon” strategy and the demand for talents in a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform. At CUMT, the research direction of intelligent mining has been set up since 2016, and the intelligent-mining feature class was established in 2018, which is the first one in China.The major of Intelligent Mining Engineering was set up in 2022. This major now has 30 full-time teachers, including 17 professors. Relying on the foundation of the "Double First-Class" discipline platform of Mining Engineering, Intelligent Mining Engineering adheres to the interdisciplinary integration and open education and integrates high-quality educational resources to cultivate compound-type innovation talents with international competitiveness and interdisciplinary background of such disciplines as Mining Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Mechatronics Engineering, Information Engineering, and Software Engineering. The major has an annual enrolment of 60 students.

New Energy Science and Engineering major was established in 2019 and is an adaptation to the national energy strategy and the world-class university construction featured by energy resourceand is a new engineering major established to implement the "three deep, one new, and one intelligent" layout of the school's Double First-Class disciplines. It now has 23 full-time teachers, including 6 professors and 5 associate professors. The New Energy Science and Engineering Research Center has been founded, with Academician Jiyang Wang being the honorary director. On the base of the discipline group of Mining Engineering, the major has set several research directions like geothermal energy, unconventional oil and gas, and biomass energy. All aim to foster compound-type talents with an interdisciplinary background, competent in engineering application, technology development, production management, and scientific research within the new energy field. The major has an annual enrolment of 60 students.

Industrial Engineering major, originated from the research direction of Mining System Engineering established in 1985 and permitted to enroll candidates in 1994 and permitted to start education in 1997, was authorized as a new major, with CUMT one of the first universities to set up this major. It was selected as the Characteristic Major of Jiangsu Province in 2010 and in the first-class undergraduate major construction program of Jiangsu Province in 2021. The major now has 18 full-time teachers, including 4 professors and 6 associate professors. Relying on the foundation of the "Double First-Class" discipline platform of Mining Engineering, Industrial Engineering adhering to characteristic development has set such research directions as production operation management, work efficiency management, big data, and intelligent decision-making, and aims tocultivate technical talents who can solve the problem of the efficiency and benefit in production and service system. The major has an annual enrolment of 200 students.

Transportation major, stemming from the Railway Transportation established in 1988, was renamed what it is now in 1994 and was selected in the first-class undergraduate major construction program of Jiangsu Province in 2021. It has 16 full-time teachers, including 5 professors and 4 associate professors. Relying on the foundation of the "Double First-Class" discipline platform of Mining Engineering, Transportation aims to meet the national strategic demand and industrial development trend and has set such research directions as rail transit and underground transportation engineering in order to develop the major into a first-class one with the characteristics of mining and to cultivate senior technical talents competent to transportation planning, design, construction and operation management. The major has an annual enrolment of 200 students.