龙尊娱乐场 始于1909年焦作路矿学堂的矿务学门,1933年正式成立采矿冶金系,1952年清华大学、北洋大学(天津大学)、唐山交通大学等院校采矿系调整并入中国矿业学院采矿系,1980年以前,曾使用矿冶工程系、采矿工程学系、采煤系、采矿系、采矿工程系等名称。2000年撤系建院,成立能源科学与工程学院,2004年更名为能源与安全工程学院,2007年更名为龙尊娱乐场 。2018年入选首批“全国党建工作标杆院系”。办学115年来,龙尊娱乐场 因煤而生、因煤而兴,与煤炭工业同呼吸共命运,同生长共发展,为国家煤炭行业人才培养与科技进步做出了突出贡献。
Brief Introduction to the School of Mines
The School of Mines traces its origin to the Mining Department of the Jiaozuo School of Railroad and Mines founded in 1909. The Department of Mining and Metallurgy was formally established in 1933. After a nationwide readjustment of higher-education institutions in 1952, the Mining Engineering Departments of such universities as Tsinghua University, Beiyang University (the predecessor of Tianjin University), and Tangshan Chiao Tung University (the predecessor of Southwest Jiaotong University). The Department underwent several name changes, including the Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Department, Mining Engineering Department, Coal Mining Department, and Mining (Engineering) Department. The Department was upgraded to the School of Energy Science and Engineering in 2000, and renamed as the School of Energy and Safety Engineering in 2004 and, finally and officially, as School of Mines in 2007. Born to comply with the rise of the coal industry, the School has been thrived with the industry’s prosperity, making a remarkable contribution in talent cultivation and scientific advance to the nation’s coal industry.
The School of Mines has 157 staff members, including 2 academicians (external), 35 professors, and 51 associate professors, along with 10 national-level talents and over 40 provincial-level talents. There are 5 undergraduate programs: Mining Engineering, Intelligent Mining Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Transportation. The School has 6 doctoral degree authorization centers: 1 for first-level discipline (Mining Engineering), 2 for second-level discipline (Mining Engineering, and Resource Development Planning and Design), 2 for interdiscipline (Artificial Intelligence, and New Energy Science and Engineering) and 1 for professional degree (Resource and Environment). There are also 9 master degree authorization centers: 1 for first-level discipline, 3 for second-level discipline, 2 for interdiscipline and 3 for professional degree. The present number of students in the School is over 2477 (including 79 international students): 1280 undergraduates and 1197 postgraduate (739 masters and 458 doctors). More than 15,000 graduates, since the School’s establishment, have been put into all sections of our economy, especially into the coal industry where most of the backbones from mine managers and the chief engineers are the graduates of the School.
The Mining Engineering is one of the key construction disciplines of the national "211 Project", "985 Innovation Platform for Advantageous Disciplines" and "World-class Discipline Construction Project", as well as one of the first disciplines allowed to set up the position of Distinguished Professorby the Chang Jiang Scholars Program.It was the winner of the A+discipline in both 4thand 5thNational Discipline Evaluation, was selected as the Double First-Class Discipline (world-class university and world-class discipline) for the second time in 2022, and, over the past 5 years, was consistently among the TOP 20 in the QS World University Subject Rankings. The Mining-Engineering post-doctorate R&D base was built in 1985, one of the first bases. The Discipline has 4 national teaching and research platforms—State Key Laboratory for Fine Exploration and Intelligent Development of Coal Resources, Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Discipline Innovation in Resource Utilization and Disposal of Solid Waste in Mines, National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Mining Engineering, and National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center of Mining Engineering— and4 provincial (ministerial) teaching and research platforms, Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining of Ministry of Education, Jiangsu Engineering Laboratory of Mine Earthquake Monitoring and Prevention, the Key Laboratory of Mine Roof Disaster Prevention and Control (National Mine Safety Administration) and the Key Laboratory of Mine Rock Burst Control Technology and Equipment (National Mine Safety Administration).
The School, facing the national energy-security strategy and the main battlefield of the economy, actively embraces the national and industrial major S&T challenges, has made a huge contribution to the green-safe-and-efficient coal mining, and therefore has been playing a leading role in the coal industry’s S&T innovation and growth. Since 2010, the School of Mines has undertaken 241 nationalmajor research projects,and 127 provincial (ministerial)onesand 3650 college-enterprise S&T projects for the reason of which the research fund has been up to RMB 1.517 billion Yuan, and won a host of scientific awards like 5 at the national level and 135 at the provincial (ministerial) level, as well as over 1000 invention patents domestically and overseas authorized. The School of Mines has held a close partnership with domestic research institutes in the field of energy and mining and with all large coal enterprises in China, and also developed a stable academic communication and research mechanism with overseas universities and research institutes of more than 20 countries from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada to Russia.
Looking forward into the future, the School of Mines will sustain its spirit — never give up, never beaten by difficulties and always strive to be the first — stick to the fundamental goal of fostering virtue and talent, and address the major demands of the national energy strategy. Featured by green, intelligent and low-carbon development of energy resources, the School will focus on and strengthen its research on Deep Development, Deep construction, Deep Utilization, New Energy and Smart Mine, and on the development and utilization of new energy associated with coal mining, to take a lead in helping develop Mining Engineering discipline and its interdisciplines into world-class ones and to build the School into a world-class School.